Monday, April 30, 2012

i will tell  u 1 small little story ..just fr fun..dnt take it seriously..once before 2 years..1 little bird named koel.. after trained,,  from his parents try 2 live independently,struggled alot but their parents,,  dnt leave her  to lead her own life so that bird  with little dissatisfaction...adjustng 2 environment ...even tat z nt her proper........
  all of sudden 1 more bird(female)  entered into her  place.. who z very independent..nd tz koel start doing frndshp wt her ..nd lik 2 share everythng.. thnkng,,, tat she will help her..franklyyyyy she does nt like 2 share bcz... no one z  happy 2 knw other independence..without havng independence 2 her.. but that bird liv lik real dosth giving full moral support 2 koel n such a way tat both that birds ..cant live without seeing one anothr...the other bird feel tat am i male bird 2 live lik tat??... tatz her  understanding bt koel always feel tat  a real frnd come whenevr we r n trouble....

great twist in the story began when the other bird avoid her  drastically.... fr the 2 ys .. koel  lokam is bird itself.......... when suddenly gap/barrier came.. whoz mistake z tat?..if it z environmental barrier no pblm  bt tz z personal barrier..created by them ..koel feels that if barrier came ,,she want 2 wipe r  damage the barrier bt the other bird feels god saved creating frm tz lesson  u have 2 know bare the close people move away frm u

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